Imperix Highlights PCSL’s QAB Project as a Representative Industrial Showcase
@ 2025.03
The Quad-Active-Bridge (QAB), which was successfully developed by Dr. Jonghun Yun, have been highlighted by Imperix as a representative industrial showcase. Imperix is a Swiss company specializing in control and real-time simulation solutions for power electronics and electrical energy systems.
Modern Power Systems based on
Static Power Converters
Static Power Converters
HVDC Transmission and MVDC/LVDC Distributions, Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)
Harmonics Stability and Transient Stability of Modern Power Systems
Grid-Forming Operation Schemes and Virtual Synchronous Generators
Power Systems in Shipboards
Topology and Control of
Power Electronic Converters
Power Electronic Converters
WBG Device-Based High-Efficiency and High-Density Power Converters
High-Power Multi-Level converters
Solid-State Transformers in Smart Distribution, Fast-Charging Stations, and Large-Scale Data Centers
Power Converters in Renewable Generations and Energy Storage Systems
Wide-Band-Gap (WBG)
Power Semiconductor Devices
Power Semiconductor Devices
Gate Drivers for IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs
Temperature Estimation and Condition Monitoring of Power Semiconductor Modules
Failure Mechanism, Lifetime, and Reliability
Variable-Frequency Drives and
Drivetrain of e-Mobilities
Drivetrain of e-Mobilities
Sensorless Control of IPMSM for EVs
Expanding the Operable Range of Motors for EVs
Capacity Enhancement of EV Inverters by Active Thermal Management
Improvement in Grid-Connected Motor Control